36″h x 24.5″w x 3″d
When a dear artist friend visited me at my studio, I showed her what I’ve been creating with My Luckyears and shared the story behind my Weekly Letting Go project. She then asked me when was the last time I had put any of my work in a gallery. I paused for a minute to think and that’s when I realized I haven’t put any of my work in any gallery or show since I was in Elementary school. I told her: “Here I am, about to turn 40 on August 28th and I have NEVER put any piece on display since I was about 10 years old. All my work, my sculptures and paintings are all over my home. If you happen to come visit me, you will find many of my creative ventures”. We were both baffled at that realization. “How safe is that?”- I acknowledged.
Agreeing that it’s about time I put my work out there to the world, she invited me to be a guest artist for an upcoming show at her shared Art Studio. The show had a theme: Unbound. She explained it was a loose theme, related to the concept of books. I immediately accepted, not knowing what piece I would bring. Should I share something I already created, or should I adventure into something completely new?
A couple of days later, I received an email with the deadline to deliver my work: August 28th, the day I turn 40! The symbology of it all was too great to pass. I needed to embrace the moment. Knowing I was still to make something that week for my Weekly Letting Go project and having only 3 days to deliver my piece for the show, it was only logical to have both be combined into one piece.
Letting go came to me stronger than ever this time. I made photo copies of random pages from self-help books that inspired me throughout my 40 years of life. I used them as a background for my piece, then I loosely painted and sculpted over the pages while the concept of what I wanted to express began to form in my mind. I spent the day of my birthday finishing it. in spite of of the fears, the what ifs, the anxiety, and the attachment to anything that doesn’t serve me, I knew that no matter the outcome, I was being taken care of. It was ok to just let my own expression form itself into whatever it wants to be, to trust the present moment and throw myself into this experience.
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