It may seem silly to me today, but 9 years ago, the thought of being without my hearing aids around my partner terrified me. We were recently dating and he invited me to go to the Hot Springs with him for a weekend. It seemed like a lovely idea for a romantic weekend, but while others would be talking in soft voices around the pool, I’d be forced to make a decision: either stay away from the water (on a Hot Spring??!!) to be able to hear, or take off my hearing aids and be without any way of communicating.
I shared with him my concerns, embarrassed and afraid it would turn him off or that he would lose his interest in me. If I only knew then what I know of him now. He embraced the situation, encouraged me to be without my hearing aids and I walked around for hours, going from pool to pool with barely any sounds from the world outside. And you know what? It was amazing! To be with someone who accepts your for who you are is a great feeling and I encourage you to surround yourself with those people. Even more special was that this turned into an opportunity to spend hours of the day hearing the way I truly hear (or don’t hear), experiencing that, noticing what that feels like in a safe and accepting environment was like a journey into self acceptance.
Title: “Let It Be You
This is the moment.
This is the moment you become the mirror.
Let it be you.
To guide me with your hands,
To show me that it’s all ok,
Just for one little moment,
Let it be you.
Let it be me.
To nude myself from beyond my ears,
To let the breeze give me words of wisdom,
Let it be me.
When I close my eyes,
I let it be,
The world outside,
I let it go.
The words within,
I let them flow.
The senses are strong,
I lead them on.”
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