Each month I will be randomly selecting a story to inspire one of my paintings or sculptural artwork. Maybe yours will be next.
When and how did hearing loss enter your life?
Do you have a touching moment around hearing loss?
Perhaps you’ve struggled, or made a fool of yourself?
Maybe something really funny happened or you learned a really big lesson about who you are.
Did the experience of dealing with hearing loss change you in any way or transformed you?
Or maybe this story is about someone really close to you such as your child or someone you’re in a relationship with.
No matter what, we all have stories and those stories can help others who identify with them. Your story can do that too! By sharing it with others, YOU could help someone and I could help YOU by honoring your story and bringing it into my art.
** Remember, I cannot guarantee your story will be portrayed, so if you want to hire me to make an unique painting for you (or someone you love), you can request one here instead: Commissions