Title: “Only Within”
Dimensions: 62″x51″x2″
Medium: Acrylics
One late afternoon I sat on my bathroom floor with my guitar.
The sunset light from the window above the bathtub welcomed me.
I took my hearing devices off.
Have I not had the nerves in my cochlears, I’d be experiencing only the vibrations of my guitar.
But I still have the nerves in one of my ears.
What I don’t have is my ear bones.
The three little bones that conduct and amplify sounds.
None of them.
So what happens instead is that without my hearing devices,
I cease to hear the world outside of me.
But I continue to hear my voice and any other sounds within my body.
They are being conducted through the bones in my skull and my teeth.
One of my favorite sound in the world is the sound of the strings of an acoustic guitar.
It takes me places…
So with the soft touch of my head on the neck of my guitar,
the most magical sounds begin to pour from within me.
Only within.