Have you ever felt a lesson you recently learned finally present itself to you on a much deeper level? At first, you understand the lesson. It makes sense to you. You decide to apply it, but in a way while you’re practicing this new lesson, it feels almost fake. You do it anyway because you believe in it. In the process you may even encounter self doubt. “Could this be the right learning?,” “Is this lesson really the one for me?” But you know that talk is your fear speaking, so you keep at it. Some days are better than others. Some not so good at all, most are pretty superficial. It’s obvious you’re having a hard time with that lesson and the only thing that holds you to it is your belief on its importance. Until one day, because you’ve been deeply asking for it, you receive a gift. And the lesson finally gets to be applied in a majestic way!
An owl is the symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Is keeping your eyes open and seeing in the dark shadows. Is listening quietly to the soft whispers of your surroundings. Is being at peace with yourself. The owl symbol came to me in many forms and made itself aware. It allowed me to see it through its eyes the knowing of the great unknown. Embracing the owl allows transformation, it’s the death of the old ad the birth of new beginnings.
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